13 Central St.  P.O. Box 7      Hillsboro, NH  03244      (603) 464-3477

Fire Department

13 Central St.
P.O. Box 7
Hillsboro, NH 03244


 (603) 464-3477


(603) 464-3122





Fire Permits Are Required

The State of New Hampshire requires all persons to obtain a fire permit before starting ANY outside fire unless the ground is covered with snow. This must be done prior to starting the fire rain or shine.

There are two types of permits available.

  • A brush fire permit allows the burning of brush up to 5 inches in diameter and clean, untreated lumber. NO painted, stained or pressure treated material may be burned. No plywood, cardboard or furniture may be burned. The pile should be of a size manageable to the individual burning it. It should be at least 50 feet from any building. A hose or some other means of fire control will need to be provided. Brush piles may only be burned between 5:00 PM and 9:00 AM or when it is raining. A permit is still required even if it is raining.
  • A campfire or cook fire permit allows the kindling of a small fire in an enclosure for the purposes of cooking a meal or recreation. A campfire or cook fire requires a proper fire pit to be built. It must be constructed on mineral earth or a sand bed. A ring of stone, firebrick, or metal must be provided to keep the fire contained. Combustible material should be removed from an area 5 feet in diameter from the fire pit.  Check the right sidebar of our website for the day’s report to see whether you are allowed to burn that day.
  • There are two types of seasonal permits – a category 1 permit is for burning wood less than 24 inches in length, and these fire pits must be at least 25 feet from any structure and can be burned any time throughout the day (assuming the day’s fire danger level is 2 or lower) Category 2 permits are for wood up to 48 inches in length, and these fire pits must be at least 50 feet from any structure. Category 2 fires can only be burned from 5PM to 9AM on days where the fire danger is 2 or lower).  Please call the station if you have any questions.

Seasonal Permits: A Seasonal Permit may be requested for campfire pits. This permit is good for the entire burning season. Seasonal permits cannot be obtained for the burning of brush, only for camp or cook fires.

A couple of other notes… The State Division of Forests and Lands and the State Fire Marshals Office have determined that chimneas and other portable pottery or metal fireplaces constitute open burning and require a campfire permit. Gas and charcoal grills do not require permits, however cooking with charcoal in a dug pit does.

If you have any questions, please call us at the station: 603-464-3477.  You can obtain a permit by stopping by the station from 8-4 Monday through Friday.

Seasonal permits can also be obtained online for $5.50.  


©2025 Hillsboro Fire Department